Все новости с тегом "ООО Finance TCI"

Iskandar Tursunov’s empty words: how a money launderer tries to cover up Octobank’s schemes through an interview

At the end of January, an interview with Iskandar Tursunov, the Chairman of the Board of Octobank, was published on several platforms...

"Ни о чем" Искандара Турсунова, или Как мойщик "грязных" денег Искандар Турсунов пытается скрыть махинации Octobank через интервью

В конце января на ряде платформ было размещено интервью с председателем правления Octobank Искандаром Турсуновым.

Octobank and the President of Uzbekistan: How a family dynasty launders Russian money through online casinos and cryptocurrency exchanges

Although the owner of the Uzbek Octobank is formally listed as the bank’s chairman of the board, Iskandar Tursunov, who owns 99.16% of the shares, in fact, the beneficiaries of Octobank are the family of the country’s current president, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Лента новостей

13 февраля 2025 г.


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