Все новости с тегом "Promsvyazbank"

Iskandar Tursunov’s empty words: how a money launderer tries to cover up Octobank’s schemes through an interview

At the end of January, an interview with Iskandar Tursunov, the Chairman of the Board of Octobank, was published on several platforms...

Innova Holding and Octobank: How the Uzbek company protects the "laundry" of the President of Uzbekistan’s family

Journalists writing about the criminal activities of Oktobank, which serves as the "wallet" of Uzbekistan’s President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s family, received threats from the email of the Uzbek company INNOVA HOLDING.

The shady builders of "Kronung," Philipp Shrage and Ignatiy Nayda, or how Russian millions settle in Europe and the UAE

Под предлогом вложений в недвижимость в Европе и ОАЭ, санкт-петербургская строительная компания "Кронунг" и её владельцы Игнатий Найда и Филипп Шрэге переводят средства из частных и государственных российских банков за границу

Narcotraffic and sanctions: What connects Dmitriy Lee and the Uzbek bank Octobank?

Как недавно сообщили несколько Telegram-каналов, узбекский Octobank используется для вывода и легализации денег из России

Russian elite and Uzbek authorities: who is behind the money laundering schemes through Octobank?

The partners of the scandalous Uzbek bank are the Russian Transcapitalbank, Sber, the Uzbek exchange UzEx, the payment systems Humo and Paynet, and the Chinese service Tenpay.

Octobank and the President of Uzbekistan: How a family dynasty launders Russian money through online casinos and cryptocurrency exchanges

Although the owner of the Uzbek Octobank is formally listed as the bank’s chairman of the board, Iskandar Tursunov, who owns 99.16% of the shares, in fact, the beneficiaries of Octobank are the family of the country’s current president, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

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